Linda Ikeji "@lindaikeji" react to Bruce Jenner's transition

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Linda Ikeji "@lindaikeji" react to Bruce Jenner's transition

Blog Queen +Linda Ikeji for once has been caught off guard on how to react on one of her publication. Guess which Post? It actually the post titled "'I am a woman' - Bruce Jenner in his own words". 

Linda who is known for her unique sense of humor of describing, commenting and reacting to every post on her block was short of words to describe why on earth a 65 years old father would suddenly want to be a woman.

In her words: "How can you live for 65 years of your life as a man, married three times, had multiple relationships with women, had 6 kids and all of a sudden you identity as a woman and want to wear female clothes? But you are not gay and have never been attracted to men"
See screen short of post below ...

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