Interesting Piece ... "In the Final Analysis" of Nigeria 2015 Presidential Election

Thursday 2 April 2015

Interesting Piece ... "In the Final Analysis" of Nigeria 2015 Presidential Election

Renowned writer Impact Ogbeide writes another interesting piece after the just concluded Nigeria Presidential Election. Very interesting to note, I discover something about Impact via his bio that he is actually the pioneer of the campaign "Change is Possible" and even had a theme song with same title as early as 2011 that's even before the slogan got heated up between our Nigeria Politics today. So is this a coincidence that the CHANGE is savoring in the Air now? He shared this beautiful piece via his Facebook page ... Read Below:
That there is peace and tranquility in Nigeria at the announcement of the result of the presidential election is the greatest victory of this whole electoral process. Truth be told, this was not what we expected-we thought there would be war whether GEJ or GMB wins. I remember suspending a program we were planning for the month of May because of the uncertainty of what will become of Nigeria after the elections. I feel I'm in a new world and unbelievably elated with the peace across the nation thus far and how we have behaved ourselves. Personally, I attribute this first, to God Almighty, then to the leadership, courage and humility of outgoing president, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. We mistook your meekness for weakness, but today you have proven us wrong by the demonstration of your strength of character. As Commander-in-chief, one inciting and provocative statement from you would have turned Nigeria into a war zone. Rather, your conceded defeat and was the first to congratulate your opponent even before the official declaration, when you still have the time to "press some buttons" as incumbent president, to see if the result would be announced in your favour. Thank you sir! Nigerians thank you! Posterity will always remember you. Our northern brethren and the president-elect MUST learn from this act of statesmanship from GEJ. Obviously, we didn't have it this way by this time 2011. Today, GEJ has proven that Nigeria is bigger than him, any single Nigerian and even the PDP. He has chosen to be the sacrificial lamb for the emergence of the Nigeria of our dreams. He has proven beyond every reasonable that his popular statement, "nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian" is not just a conventional political statement, but one born out of passion and deep personal conviction. That you are a man of destiny is a fact no one can dispute. Your good works and good intentions will speak for you. Your latter will be greater than your past, you will be blessed more than you can ask for. You may be Goodluck, but you have just set the platform for your best of luck days. Please greet and console your beloved wife for us, and let her know how much we will miss her. You are just like the biblical Moses- the meekest of all, yet with so much strength of character and heart of sacrifice. Even though you did not enter the promised land as it were, yet you were magnanimous enough to open the gates for all to enter peacefully. You are the reason Nigerians can celebrate today. You came, you saw and you definitely conquered. You are a honourable gentleman! Bravo, GEJ!
To Prof. Attahiru Jega, you are a strong and exceptional leader. You have demonstrated what it means to remain focused, undaunted and unruffled in the midst of criticisms, confrontations and conflict. Even when there were calls for your resignation, and pressure mounted on the president to sack you, not a word was heard from you, instead you were completely focused on your assignment, and today you have become a positive reference point and a case to study on leadership. Nigerians thank and appreciate you boss.

To you my fellow compatriot, politics is a game where you have to support a candidate. At the end of the day, we must all come together and lead the change. Nigeria is making progress, & this is another step in a progressive direction. In 2011, at Leaders Ultimate Search and as an organization, we began a campaign of CHANGE IS POSSIBLE. In 2013, we began to call Nigerians to reawaken patriotism because of the future we have seen with MY BLOOD IS GREEN campaign. Today, my friends, let us all come together and set the agenda for the president-elect, let's begin the change from where we are- individually, and let's become proud of the new Nigeria we are building. I believe in 2025; I believe in Nigeria!

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

Impact Ogbeide


  1. Well spoken, really very interesting ... I gonna share this

  2. Really love this line "Today, GEJ has proven that Nigeria is bigger than him, any single Nigerian and even the PDP. He has chosen to be the sacrificial lamb for the emergence of the Nigeria of our dreams. He has proven beyond every reasonable that his popular statement, "nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian" is not just a conventional political statement, but one born out of passion and deep personal conviction" Kudos


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