Heartbreaking Pictures of a 4yrs Old Syrian Girl who lift up her hands to surrender thinking Camera was Gun

Friday, 3 April 2015

Heartbreaking Pictures of a 4yrs Old Syrian Girl who lift up her hands to surrender thinking Camera was Gun

I just couldn't hold my eyes when I saw this article. Imagine what a 4 year old girl is already going through? What is the world turning into .... It is so painful that little children who are suppose to be cared for are now born into war, they no longer know happiness ... I can even imagine this little girl already know that lifting your hands up means surrendering, Wow ...

A Crying Syrian girl was photographed in Jordanian refugee camp in November. She threw her hands up in the air and began crying when she saw cameramen holding up their camera thinking they where guns. The Cameraman who took the pictures broke into tears when he reviewed the heart-breaking image later according to report from dailymail.co.uk ... See More Heartbreaking Pictures Below ...

Traumatised: German Red Cross worker Rene Schulthoff did not realise how scared the girl was until he was editing the photographs later - and broke down into tears
4 yrs old girl can be sighted from her far

The young girl in Jordan (pictured) - who ran barefoot through the camp's rocky terrain - became immensely frightened when Rene raised his camera
She gets closer to the camera crying ...

Terrified: A Red Cross worker has pictured another Syrian girl (pictured) who became scared and raised her arms to surrender after mistaking his camera for a weapon
She quickly raise her hand thinking the camera was a gun ...

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