Awesome! Peasant father and son create huge replicas of film robots out of scrap metal

Sunday 15 March 2015

Awesome! Peasant father and son create huge replicas of film robots out of scrap metal

Aww! This is so creative, just love the huge robot and to think that it was created at of scrap metals, just make it more cool. When I saw this article and the picture of the robot I just remember the movie "Transformer" and also "Real Steel", Have you seen the movie? Both are very interesting, think you should if you haven't. 

According to UK Daily Mail a Peasant farmer Yu Zhilin and his son Yu Lingyun use pieces of scrap metal they have collected from disused cars in Hengyang in China to construct huge robots, similar to the characters of Optimus Prime and Bumblebee who appeared in the multi-million pound films using instructions downloaded from the internet. They have just sold an army of the metal robots for almost one million RMB (£110,0000) constructed in their own makeshift workshop. 

Lingin is seen in the makeshift factory father and son have made, making a metal model by welding together disused car parts 

Xhilin decided to start building the huge models in 2007 when he realised how valuable they could be in China - where the latest Transformers instalment, Age of Extinction, was the highest grossing film ever in the country. The film targeted Chinese audiences, with Chinese car brands featured throughout and Hong Kong used as the backdrop for some of the action sequences.

The pair join a cult of Chinese people who have started making replicas of the metal robots that have earned such notoriety in the country. Last year a team of farmers in Xiaoye, a village in the eastern Shandong province, began making the models at a cost of around $16,000 (£11,000) and selling them to property developers who have installed them in shopping malls in China.

The pair have been making the models since 2010 after realising the possible success due to the popularity of the films in China

The pair collect old disused car parts at their small Hengyang factory to construct the large models from the metal parts 

Old wheels, discarded doors and rusting axles have all been used to piece together the impressive tower Transformers models 

Zhilin and his son have worked together to produce the models and are shown here making an Optimus Prime replica Transformer

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