2,000-year-old artefacts looted by ISIS Listed for Sale on EBAY

Saturday, 14 March 2015

2,000-year-old artefacts looted by ISIS Listed for Sale on EBAY

ISIS Group have in the past weeks raided countless historical heritage sites and recent images show the jihadis destroying some of this ancient statues which dates back to thousands of years.

According to UK Daily Mail 2,000-year-old artefacts looted from ancient sites in Iraq and Syria by ISIS are being sold on eBay as jihadis cash in on relics dating back millennia.
Also selling: Another Greek coin advertised as 'Coin of Apamea 'Turreted Tyche & Nike' Era of Pompey Year 16 VF recently sold on eBay for the equivalent of £90
Jewellery, ceramics and coins plundered from museums within ISIS territory are known to pass between criminal gangs before turning up in Gulf States and later appearing on trading websites.

Two coins from Apamea, in western Syria, which date back to Ancient Greece have appeared on eBay with price tags of £57 and £90.

This coin, which came from the ancient city of Apamea in western Syria, sold for $135 on eBay - the equivalent of around £91


Unknown said...


Mike Bierman said...

The above-styled article is false and defamatory and you are hereby notified to take it down immediately and publish a retraction. You have used my client's photograph of coins lawfully sold on eBay, that has been in the USA for over a decade before its sale on eBay. We have absolute proof of this. He is readily identifiable from the false and defamatory information you have published. You are republishing and enlarging LIBEL and are subject to legal action. I represent the seller who is being libeled. You are under legal notice of libel. Proceed at your own risk. Michael E. Bierman, Esq.


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