Funny Report: Americans Only Stressed About Money and Kids

Thursday 5 February 2015

Funny Report: Americans Only Stressed About Money and Kids

Americans are less stressed than they were a few years ago. But the Americans you'd expect to be stressed are really f##king stressed. I guess we all just need to get that $$.

The American Psychological Association released its annual "Stress In America" report, and the good news is that overall stress is down, from 6.2 (on at 10-point scale) in 2007 to just 4.9 in 2014. We're less than 50% stressed! Although women, parents, and young people are more stressed than everyone else.

And what stresses us out? Besides the parents worried about their god damn kids, it's Money! Money money money.
  • It's the single most common source of stress: "64 percent report that this is a very or somewhat significant source of stress." The second and third most common are "work" and "the economy," which are other ways of saying "money."
  • Stress among low-income people is becoming more pronounced: "In 2007, average reported stress levels were the same regardless of income, but now, those living in lower-income households (making less than $50,000 per year) report higher overall stress levels than those living in higher-income households."
  • American in lower income households are almost twice as likely to say that "their financial situation or lack of money prevents them from living a healthy lifestyle."
  • America will not be safe from stress until we achieve true economic independence for all, and also make all the kids disappear (which would save a lot of money).

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