Exclusive Interview With Beauty Queen - Winnie Ofure

Saturday 14 February 2015

Exclusive Interview With Beauty Queen - Winnie Ofure

It’s the New Year and to kick the year rolling we are bringing you another exclusive interview with an admirable beauty queen who had an inspiring career. She was also the winner of Miss NYSC “Batch B” 2013, as it always goes; it was an exciting moment and chat. She tells us the story of her success, the hitches and you know the banger question.

Read Full Interview as transcribe from our recorder below:

Can We Meet You Please?

Thank you, I am Erumunsele Winnie Ofure from Edo State, attended Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, studied I am from family of eight; I am the eldest child, that first child. Talking about personality, I am just a normal human being. (laugh)

Definitely we all normal human being, but we all have this personality that makes us different and unique

Ok I am God fearing, intelligent and I am very discipline.

So how was growing up like, as you said you are the eldest from the family of eight, that’s a large number?

Growing up wasn’t easy, like now I can take decision for myself because I am grown to the situation that I can make decisions myself. Also growing was tough because I grow up without a mom, my mom actually died when I was young, so it was tough. She gave birth to two of us (a boy and a girl) and I actually have 5 steps sisters and a brother that make it eight in number

As a girl, growing up was your dad really strict on you, did you have the freedom to do what you like?

Actually my daddy is from the education line, you can imagine how teacher kids are like, they are very discipline, my dad tried to put us on the way but he doesn’t force his opinion on us, he just tell the right thing to do and sometime he gets angry as a normal dad, but due to the discipline inculcated in us which try to do the right thing, as it is said in the bible “train up a child in the way he should go” and as for me he actually pampered me to the extent my bro was jealous at some point

You actually emerge Miss NYSC that was in 2013, aside this have you ever participated in a beauty competition?

Yes, I have done three, I did one back then in Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma for Miss Hostel and I won, that is where I actually gather my experience from because it was really competitive.

So what actually inspired you for contesting as Miss NYSC and what was your secret formula that actually gave you that crown?

Ok, when they said they wanted people to represent their platoon for Miss NYSC I went for the rehearsals and they were practicing for both Miss Hotlegs and Miss NYSC, I stood aside and watch as they perform, I notice that almost everybody was not experience, so I already had experience, I never really show then what I was made off. So when it was my turn to perform I just do what I have to do and that was it …

So what are the challenges you encountered when preparing for this pageant, I know there must be some logical challenges? Did you have to do some extra things to win the pageant?

Actually during my time, the Miss NYSC was a free and fair competition not just because I won, I deserve it because I answered my question, my dressing and costumes was Wow! And I did manage the stage very well, which other ladies couldn’t do. I put in a lot of effort and above all I did the extraordinary by talking to my creator that I want this crown because there is this saying that “if He doesn’t permit it, it won’t happen”

Now that you have won the Crown, how has this impacted your life, has it change your lifestyle? So you still maintain your friends or are you now rolling with some new set of cliques?

Hmmm … actually winning Miss NYSC humbled me, because if I had change my friends and pulling on some new cliques I won’t be acting in the capacity of a queen, a queen is supposed to be an example to everybody, she is a public figure, anything she does sends a signal out and to a large extent I started making sacrifice which I never did prior to this time.

So that brings us to this question, is there any Prince Charming in your Palace at the moment?
Lol, for now there is no prince charming, I am waiting for the right time.

Are you serious? A lot of persons would say there is no Prince Charming, where there anyone before Miss NYSC?

Not really, when I got deployed for my NYSC, I needed concentration so there wasn’t anybody then and now, I am trying to concentration as it is said first thing first … (laughing)

And after you emerge there must have been some form of application running around daily to occupy that position…

Yes of course it is a normal thing for persons to flock around but I know what I was doing, I stood by ground

So are you saying no one was suitable enough, maybe you should take a look at MP, laughing continue

So after winning the crown, have you been able to translate you been a beauty queen to your immediate community that you were posted to?

It was not easy though, during my tenure I was opportune to execute about 7 projects which took a better side of me because you have to combine doing this project and still be active at your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) at the Protocol Department, SSG Office. Started with celebrating my birthday with an Orphanage, did HIV sensitization, school visitation and gave them career talk and with the help of my CDS we were able to achieve a lot. We also did some hygiene talks with the Primary School children as it was one of the challenges we notice then.

Less I forget, now you are working at the SSG Office, was it because of these projects you were retained or what?

Hmmm, I won’t say that because if I do, it would seem I am giving honor to which honor is not due to. In general, I see my service in Niger State as the Handwork of God. I was very hardworking and lot of persons notice that, so when I was done with my service, people came and spoke with my boss that if he is going to let me go like that, as I said, my hard work help. And I never expected it

Before we go, what next after Miss NYSC, you have the qualities and looks of a queen, are your fans expecting to see more crowns soon?

Ok when I was coming to Niger State I never planned on winning Miss NYSC, so if there are any other thing coming I don’t have to start expecting too much, it would just come the way it was ordained. I let God lead in all I do

So what are your final words for your fans and people out there?

Whatever you do, do it with your might, don’t always listen to people’s opinion because their opinion doesn’t matter especially when you doing something that is your passion and you don’t know if that is where your open door is, and when you listen sometimes you close the door that God had opened for you

Thank you and it’s been wonderful time with you here, hope you graze our occasion when we call on you again

Of course and thank you and thanks for having me here, I am very grateful.

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