Duncan Mighty Give Car Gift to who He Called "A loyal Eran Boy"

Friday 13 February 2015

Duncan Mighty Give Car Gift to who He Called "A loyal Eran Boy"

First I need a dictionary for this one, What is eran? Was he suppose to say Errand Boy? If that is the case, he is also wrong for refering to the guy publicly as an errand boy. So which ever the case may be Duncan you are #Busted.

In what seem as a joke, Nigerian singer and self acclaimed ‘Port Harcourt’s first son’ Duncan Mighty two days ago announced his intention to give away one of his cars to a lucky person as directed by Jesus. 

The popular singer wrote: ‘JESUS I thank you for your blessings today my garage is full with machines. God I want to bless someone with one of them and I want you to put that person’s name in my heart before tomorrow evening in JESUS name amen.’ 

He actually live up to his words, now two days later, it looks like the good Lord has put the name of the lucky person in his heart finally as Duncan Mighty has given out one of the cars in his garage, a Ford Focus to his loyal and humble domestic hand whose name he gave as Achinike Chukwu. Apart from the car he just gave out, Duncan Mighty’s garage is loaded with exotic cars including a Porsche Cayman, a Mercedes Benz E-Class Convertible, a Rolls Royce Phantom, a Ford explorer and several others.

Achinike Chukwu gets Ford car from Duncan Mighty

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