Report: Group know as 'Cyber Caliphate' have hack Malaysia Airlines website

Monday 26 January 2015

Report: Group know as 'Cyber Caliphate' have hack Malaysia Airlines website

Report from Reuters suggest that the official website of national carrier Malaysia Airlines was hacked on Monday by a group calling itself the "Official Cyber Caliphate".

The website,, currently shows a photograph of a lizard in a top hat and tuxedo, surrounded by the messages '404 - Plane Not Found' and 'Hacked by Lizard Squad - Official Cyber Caliphate'.

The hackers also listed three unverified Twitter account addresses and a recorded a rap song.

Representatives from the airline did not respond to calls by Reuters.

MAS was hit by twin air disasters last year: the disappearance of Flight MH370 in March and the shooting down of Flight MH17 a few months later. The government took the airline private late last year.

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